As God Judges the west...
Let us build a new Christendom! One land at a time!
As God Judges the west...
As God Judges the west...
As God Judges the west...
Western Civilization has by all accounts reached its winter, as was the case with all human empires in history. Indeed, the last several generations of westerners have begun to worship the created order rather than the Creator, turning their backs on the faith of their fathers and on two millennia of tradition.
Just as Christians of old had to flee their homelands, whether due to war, starvation, or persecution, so too the time has come for the Church militant of the West to consider moving on to clearer waters. For decades, the West abandoned the True Faith by instead worshipping the Self and "Mother Nature" and thereby calling down the judgment of the Almighty. God has warned the nations in St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans (chapter one) that He will give them over to unclean and unnatural lifestyles in His just judgment. Child sacrifice has resurfaced just as in the pagan days of old in abortion or infanticide and sexual immorality (comparable to the temples of Aphrodite) has been entirely normalized with all such practices being defended by the scientific and medical communities (the new priesthood of the west). Worst of all, such abominations are being exported worldwide among all the nations who now whore after the so-called "developed world" under the siren song of progress, equity, and environmental justice. Look around, Old Christendom has fallen, it is time for a New Christendom to rise up. For a Christian Community for families to form.
Our Christian community is dedicated to overcoming the sectarian and divisive aspects of denominationalism and instead seeks to recover the ancient faith of all true Christians where faith means more than just belief, but a life dedicated to Christ and his Law. We seek therefore a Reformed Catholicism, which maintains the absolute authority of Scripture, the unmerited Grace of God, the preeminence of Christ, and justification by Faith alone. While also recognizing the truth of the historic creeds and councils, and a worship centered around the Sacraments and Spirit-given and Spirit-filled traditions . Beyond this, we hold to several distinctives for our community in order to correct the errors that led to the failures of the West which are in themselves game-changing for the Christian life and wholly based in Scripture, reason, and the historic faith. We seek to restore a robust theocentric view of all reality, biblical masculinity, modest femininity, and the importance of bringing forth Godly children, as well as the importance of maintaining All of Christ for All of Life, recognizing that in all spheres (church, family, and government), the choice is between Christ or Chaos.
The western world has Christians Isolated from one another (often in compromised churches), living in fear of increasingly authoritarian governments, and tied down by their material possessions and unfulfilling jobs. The communal alternative goes back to biblical principles of being self-sufficient, sharing resources with one another, and living in a constant state of fellowship and devotion to God.
As we gaze at this vast world which God has created, we recognize that not just America, but the entire Western Developed World is under the judgment of God. Thus, when looking for a new land in which to plant the seeds for a new Christendom, we must humble ourselves by considering the developing Global South. In this part of the world, Christianity is growing rapidly, is zealous for good works, and is in need of educated direction to prevent the same mistakes that destroyed the West from consuming them as well. Likewise, we have peoples in these lands who are still accustomed to living simply, working hard, and are not indoctrinated away from believing in the spiritual nature of reality and of natural families. Further, these countries lack the infrastructure and technology needed for a big brother surveillance state, have vast lands of fertile, affordable, and unregulated real-estate, as well as an agreeable and often tropical climate which will make the development of a self-sufficient community far more forgiving for those new to living a radically free, natural, and Christian lifestyle which has been long forgotten to westerners.
In the event that a crisis breaks out or boarders are closed, it is also wise to have communities with-in the U.S. In rural mountainous areas there still exists enclaves of sparsely populated and unregulated lands, with a people who are less hostile to our way of life and more open to a Christian society of which they still have memory of from their youth.
In such places we have an opportunity to bunker down together as a refuge in the storm of societal collapse, a bulwark against tyranny, and a light in the darkness.
Our flagship project will be "The Jesus Village at Haven Springs" in the Ozark Mountains of Oklahoma, building begins Spring 2025. For more info see here.
We subscribe to the Reformed Evangelical Creed, affirming those ancient doctrines restored pure and whole in the Reformation, such as salvation by Grace alone, the overriding authority of Holy Scripture, the centrality of Christ, the primacy of Faith, and the sovereignty of God.
We believe whole heartedly that our lives must be founded on the only inspired rule of faith and practice, the Holy Scriptures and that we must be conformed to Jesus Christ in our lives and families (evangelical).
However, at the same time we recognize that God decrees whatsoever comes to pass and that we are entirely dead and helpless in sin, unable to please God except that He first do a work in us (Reformed).
None of these teachings are new, nor were they invented in the Reformation, but were rather restored by Godly men seeking the salvation of their fellow man and in honoring the great teachers of the church such as St. Augustine.
We are dedicated to the original (Orthodox) faith of the ancient church, and those doctrines and practices that were believed by ALL Christians everywhere and always (Catholic). This means that we recognize the importance of God's grace given through the visible means of Word and Sacrament ministry and their real efficacy, as well as the importance of the historic Creeds and Councils of One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith.
We are committed to the Apostle’s Creed, the Nicene Creed (Western Form), The Athanasian Creed, and The Formula of Chalcedon.
We also recognize truly authoritative truths in all Seven of the Ecumenical Councils. Likewise, although we recognize Holy Baptism and Holy Communion as unique among the traditional seven sacraments as both primary and necessary, we still see a true spiritual and sacramental character in the remaining five, in accord with the Scriptures.
We are seeking freedom from oppressive countries where you can’t take a piss without a permit, and get canceled for common-sense. We seek freedom from excessive taxes, regulations, and an overwhelming and inescapable rat-race. We seek freedom from places where everyone is fat, sick, and miserable. How can a Christian really be said to be free if he is not free to provide and protect himself by his own means?
We seek true freedom through the natural way of Scripture by working with our own hands, living the quiet life, and minding our own business. This natural way is the way of taking dominion of the earth and of being good stewards of the earth from which God has given every plant and living thing into our own hands for food and medicine.
We seek to no longer be slaves of big-pharma and a poisonous food supply, and will instead seek to live off-grid and self-sufficiently, providing our own homes, food, energy, and medicine from that which we can do ourselves. Enjoying the fruit of our own labor, healing our own illnesses, sharing our harvests with one another, having oil to make the face shine, and both wine and herb to make our hearts glad.
We are the Body of Christ, and as such we must learn to truly live and act like it by loving God and loving our neighbors, especially those of the household of faith.
Christians are called to love one another and bear with one another, not to be divided on food, drink, feasts, festivals, holy days, and other matters which are not essential to salvation in terms of Law and Gospel.
Instead, we must learn to accommodate one another within the bounds of the Gospel and be united. All who are of One Body are to partake of the one Loaf, and none should be barred from fellowship if they believe and are baptized.
However, this unity is not a compromise on the holiness which is owed to God, but rather we are to bring all areas of life into subjection to the Lord Jesus Christ as Universal King and His most Holy Law.
Hence, all spheres of life: family, village, church, business, and government must all be put under the authority of Christ. There is no neutrality; it is either Christ or Chaos. Wickedness and degeneracy are curses upon any nation and when Christians of any nation can put their differences aside and unite in the common cause of “All of Christ for All of Life” then their nation can repent and serve God to whom they all owe allegiance.
Some may call this “Christian Nationalism,” but we call it plain and simple Christian duty, we call it Law and Love, we call it faithfulness to the Gospel. For we are to make disciples of all nations and teach them ALL that Christ commanded them, so that His will may be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
We shall endeavor to build affordable (and possibly even free) schools and create large public libraries in order to preserve the great works of culture, art, and literature of Christendom for future generations. Indeed, as civilization falls around us, we shall seek to educate future generations in a comprehensive, rigorous, and uncompromised Christian worldview philosophy; wherein, we will confess all things to have been directly caused and revealed by the Trinitarian Mind of God to the minds of his creatures, recognizing that there is not one square inch of human thought and reality that Christ does not declare “Mine!”
This being said, we reject the idea that anyone can have a “vocation” that negates a necessity to provide for himself in any situation. What good is being an accountant if you are helpless when stranded in a jungle? What good is being a housewife if you can’t cook without a microwave? Indeed, we believe all men and women should be equally skilled and scholarly.
Every man has a real obligation to know how to build and repair his own home, to maintain his own vehicle, to hunt, fish, or grow his own food, and how to defend himself and his family from real threats. Likewise, every woman should be able to cook a healthy meal from scratch, to mend damaged clothing, to keep a home, to care for an infant, budget the household finances, and to diagnose and treat common injuries and illnesses.
We seek to end here and now the debate among God’s people as to whether we should home-school classically or un-school practically. Rather every man and woman shall learn to use their head and work with their hands in equal measure, so that they may be of use to their families, their community, and the Kingdom in any capacity.
We maintain that there are two primary ways in which God calls us to grow His Kingdom. The first is faithfulness to the call of the great commission in ministry and missions and the other is fruitfulness in marriage and childbearing in accord with the power and promises of God.
We shall work to help train men for the work of ministry and missions, to preach the Gospel to others, and baptize them into the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In this, we must address the real failure of missions which have long been associated in the global south with imperial ambitions and colonialism. We seek to give the people Christ without Christendom in order to prevent a Christendom without Christ. We will focus on the people learning the Word of God and being content with what they have instead of trying to turn them into westerners addicted to pharmaceuticals, air-conditioning, processed foods, and cheap clothes.
We shall seek to reach those places that other missionary organizations are too scared to reach. No UN organization, government, or corporation has the right or authority to prevent Christians from reaching un-contacted tribes and peoples and we will train courageous men of God to reach those people in defiance to such wicked institutions, for we are to bring this Gospel to all nations. We need real men for this work, no more effeminate pastors and missionaries, we need warriors for Jesus.
The second way of growing the Kingdom is the most neglected of all, for feminism and the sexual revolution has destroyed the western family and the church’s compromise with this movement has led to empty pews as birth rates have entirely collapsed in the west.
We shall restore biblical femininity to its proper and glorious place with women being supported and encouraged to grow the church with a Godly offspring. Scripture teaches that the women shall be saved in childbearing and not only is this feminine calling opposed to contraception but in learning to love their husbands we promote the necessary joys, pleasures, and liberties of a robust marital sexuality against the dangers of pornography and promiscuity. Indeed, the best weapon that a husband has in fighting against the temptations of the Devil in our depraved culture is the diligent loving of a good and faithful Christian wife.
Those who already have experience raising animals and crops for their own family's consumption and show a willingness to live more primitively (which requires hard work and dedication) are an excellent fit for The Christian Exodus Project. The comforts of the world have made us weak and thus easier to subjugate and control and those who have already made these changes in their own life are much desired.
Christian Homesteaders and Preppers who know how to raise all of their own food or who make their own electricity, provide their own water, compost their human waste, and are skilled in preparing and planning for prolonged scarcity and hardship will all be of great value as we seek to be entirely self-sufficient and off-grid as a community, providing and making everything for ourselves.
It is impossible to deny that being a young Christian couple in this decadent defiled time is very difficult. It's hard to find support in doing what Christians are called to do, namely, in raising multiple children, disciplining those children, homeschooling, practicing faithfulness in marriage, observing family worship or devotions, practicing health and fitness, finding a biblical and orthodox congregation to serve and worship in, finding other Christian children for one's own to play with and eventually marry, as well as having support in resisting all the millions of temptations that bombard westerners on a daily basis thanks to technology and the internet.
But here is the good news: we can help each other with ALL of that. Be afraid no more, YOU are welcome and wanted here.
Our community, like any healthy society, needs older men and women with relevant experience to aid and teach the younger in how to create a wise and vibrant culture. Indeed, we will invariably need an experienced midwife and a man with extensive construction experience to help us in our goals. That being said, not all of the elderly of the west are physically or spiritually suited to living in a self-sufficient village in the third world.
The sayings: "that age is just a number" or that "you're only as old as you feel," certainly ring true. There are people in their thirties who feel like they are on death's door, as well as those in their sixties who could jump on a trampoline like a teenager. There are many contributing factors to these examples, but regardless of what they are, those whose health requires frequent medical attention may not find it in their best interest to be in the third world where the community will be responsible for its own care. This will be true no matter what your age may be.
If your faith is putting your family in physical danger, such as homeschooling, spanking, living off-grid, owning firearms, or having more than two children where it is illegal, then you might want to consider the mission of The Christian Exodus Project.
We welcome those who are willing to go against godless governments to live out what the Scriptures clearly teach even in the face of consequences.
However, it must be kept in mind that our group will be predominately from the West and especially the Anglo-sphere countries (English speaking), but regardless of background or nationality, all are welcome to join us if English is known to some degree or if one has a strong willingness to learn. Communication is very important in a community for multiple reasons thus we must maintain a common language; nonetheless, it is a goal of our community to encourage the learning of multiple languages by the next generations (if the Lord so wills). Such knowledge will be strongly encouraged and taught to further the reach of the Gospel in those areas God tasks us with reaching.
We are going to be needing theologically trained men for positions of leadership and our community will put an emphasis on learning and it is our fervent desire to eventually start a Christian school for our children, and eventually a Seminary to train both ministers and missionaries. Indeed, we hope to cultivate a culture of learning where Christians can join together in topical studies for adults a couple times a week, perhaps even accompanied with some home brews or other mellowing social lubricants.
Beyond this we seek to start a center dedicated to holistic and alternative medicine, midwifery, and nutrition, to not only treat our own needs self-sufficiently, but also to teach such practices to a new generation so they might know what it is to be free from the medical establishment, fast-food, and big Pharma.
These educational priorities mean that we will need men and women who can oversee and lead these operations from the top level and so those who have such backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
That being said, reading books, writing papers, and having a Ph.D., should not have to mean a lifetime of soft effeminate hands ( I speak specifically to the men)
Once upon a time, men worked both physically and mentally hard. In the decadent West, a great divide was formed to keep the scholarly elite man's hands clean and morals polluted and to keep the working man with the plow dumb and distracted. High-schools developed along the lines of secular and Darwinian ideals to direct your path and destiny based on arbitrary test scores. Good grades meant college prep classes and bad grades put you in basics and Vo-tec.
By contrast, We believe that those who work with their hands shouldn't look down on "learnin" as to mean you're a sissy with no common sense, and the "Educated" shouldn't look down on the working man as dumb and backward. A well rounded Christian needs to be as strong in the fields as he is in debate.
We want scholars to be tradesmen, and tradesmen to be scholars.
Tyler Durden, the main-character of the film Fight Club, said quite accurately of the modern world:
"I see .... the strongest and smartest men who’ve ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need. We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War’s a spiritual war… our Great Depression is our lives. We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won’t. And we’re slowly learning that fact. ....."
If this quote hits close to home, then read on, because you might be a man or woman after our own heart!
No honest westerner can deny that our world is over-ridden with cheap worthless crap and that its spilling through our giant houses, into attics and basements, out to garages, sheds, and storage facilities. We are overwhelmed and unhappy. "Stuff" does not bring you satisfaction, in fact it guarantees that you will be crippled with anxiety and unnecessary expenses and obligations. You may clear out some, and somehow the following year it seems you have more then you did before. It can be you have generous family members who love to bestow you with their old things or saw something while shopping and thought of you. These things can be the hardest to get rid of because you don't want to hurt their feelings. It may be that you (or your spouse) gets their kicks from getting new things and love that rush from getting a package in the mail, which is no different than any other addiction.
Indeed, it is those things which you think will make you happy that ultimately brings you more misery, exactly like heroin, meth, or crack. Westerners in their sparkly clean suburban homes like to watch reality tv shows about hoarders when, if they simply took inventory of what they actually owned, they would find themselves guilty of the same addiction differing only by degree and hubris. The difference between the average American and a chronic hoarder is the same difference between a regular alcoholic and a functional alcoholic, nothing more nothing less.
The happiest people on earth have just the things they need for survival provided to them by God and a community of fellow believers they can worship with, feast with, learn with, work with, support through hard times, and ultimately share with.
If you are a Christian minimalist or an aspiring minimalist who is tired of all the crap weighing you down, then come join us.
You are just the sort of person we are looking for at The Christian Exodus Project!
The When is simple...As soon as possible.
The Global elites are not shy and have put all their plans in plain sight and have even been bold enough to announce it straight to the public. Ever hear "You will own nothing and be happy"? The elites are pushing for YOU to be eating bugs to "save the planet," for the destruction of the family farm in the name of "Global warming", for the forcing of businesses and churches to close for the "greater good", for vaccine requirements for all travel "to keep people safe", for the end of home ownership "to increase equity", for a one-child policy "to stop overpopulation", for an increase in transgenderism and homosexuality to "liberate the oppressed", for the punishment of white people for "social justice", and for censorship of all who would oppose their plans "to stop misinformation".
Ringing any bells yet?
Everything we have seen so far with the lockdowns, economic instability, and political upheavals are nothing more than the trial runs for their ultimate goals to be realized by 2030, we've had the appetizer, the main course is on its way out.
Indeed, just a bit of cursory research will find that date everywhere, whether in recent congressional bills, the United Nations, or the World Economic Forum. It is our hope for The Christian Exodus Project to be in a place for helping others when that time comes.
Where will you be? Living in the woods fighting in a civil war for the lost cause of a nation deserving of God's judgment? Drafted into World War III to fight a billion Chinese? In your pod eating insects after being foreclosed and having to leave your bankrupt family property or farm? Perhaps in a Los Angeles gulag for hate speech, awaiting "re-education"?
How about you join with us instead?
.........As for the How?
We are ACTIVELY in contact with, and in partnership, with families in the Caribbean and still working towards starting a community there. We likewise have our first planned ministry managed project in the Ozarks and are receiving applications at this time.
So, what's the next step?
We have recently reached our first milestone of establishing a core group of leadership with people on the ground in destination country as well as a team in the US.
Our next step will be to build and establish "The Jesus Village at Haven Springs" in the Ozarks of Oklahoma of which we are in the application and vetting process now.
In the beginning there will be lots of building and "roughing" it. Getting animals established, gardens planted, homes built, and community buildings up, will definitely take a long time, but we won't lose heart: remembering that "Many hands make light Work." Our ancestors did the same and survived, so if they could do it....
Why Not Us?